Our Story

Etna Mountains

High up in the mountains of Sicily lies Mount Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe. Known to the Sicilian people by it's nickname, Mongibello, Mount Etna is an Unesco World Heritage site. The unique microclimate and volcanic fertile soil has created an ideal environment for blood oranges to flourish.

Much like the volcano which bears it's name, Mongibello Blood Orange Juice embodies all the flavour of its origin, and is an extraordinary explosion of taste.

Volcanic Rich Sicilian Oranges

Volcanic. Vitamin Rich. All Natural.

Mongibello is obtained by squeezing 3 different blood orange varieties:
Tarocco, Moro, and Sanguinello, all originally grown in Sicily.

Mongibello is an 100% NFC fresh juice. We never add or remove anything from the juice obtained, giving you pure fruit juice.